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The Friends

A supporters' club for the NSSO

When the NSSO was in its infancy Madame Marie Reymond, a music teacher in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, and mentor of the orchestra's founder John Cope, provided the funds to enable its establishment and growth.


She then set about inviting Patrons to support the orchestra, and great names became associated with it. People such as Jean Sibelius, Sir Henry Wood, Sir Edward Elgar, The Duchess of Sutherland, The Countess of Warwick, and The Rt Honorable David Lloyd George to name a few.


The Friends of the NSSO play an important role in supporting the orchestra, continuing her patronage.


You too can become a Friend, your support will be greatly appreciated and you'll be made very welcome. To join the Friends of the Orchestra email us for more details: or Contact Form  

Annual subscription: £20 per person

Life subscription: £450 per person (or more if you would like to support us)


The NSSO is a charity (Charity No.1031372) and claims Gift Aid against Friends' subscription payments

What are the benefits of being a Friend?

Being a Friend brings these benefits

  • the valued recognition of your support for our local orchestra

  • your name published in each concert programme

  • early notice of forthcoming concerts

  • free entry for each concert for LIFE Friends

  • free programme for each concert (normally chargeable)

  • occasional newsletters about the orchestra's activities

  • invitations to suggest or request music for concerts​​

  • the very satisfying knowledge that you are supporting an orchestra which was founded in 1904, one of the oldest in the world, and still thrives today



New NSSO Logo June 2023

North Staffordshire Symphony Orchestra

Registered Charity No.1031372

Celebrating our 120th Anniversary in 2024 

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